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Sharon K
Adults Category

Sharon K

Am a Proud Citizen of the LoveWorld Nation, a Phenomenal Woman, a Passionate Soul Winner, a LGN Scribe, an ardent follower of the Man of God Pastor Chris, a provision for the vision, winning many unto the kingdom God.

Sharon K's Entry


The present circumstances we are living in are the last days the bible talks about. The man of God Pastor Chris has told us  that the signs are clear and the rapture of the church is so close. Many might have spoken about it long before, but it’s because they didn’t have the understanding like we do now. Some of the signs were not there then, BUT now, it’s so evident.

What is the role of the church? It is to fight the good fight of faith and bring many with us at the rapture. Today, the church is matching on in unity in these last days, we are an army. And through the Rhapsody of Realities - the Messenger Angel, we get directions to help us – the church – move with one mind because we are an army and we cannot be stopped.

When Apostle Paul mentioned in 2 Timothy 4:7 “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:”, he handed over the baton to us. If it is a relay, we are the last man and the win depends on us.

This is what keeps us going. While I study the Rhapsody of Realities every day, instructions come to my spirit, with convictions of winning many to Christ, instructions of rapturing 7 billion people. How can I keep quiet? The time is short, the stakes are high, the souls of men are ready. O, how shall it profit a man to lose his soul and gain the whole world?!

Just like the apostle Paul, we are at the finish line. Therefore, none of these things move me, neither do I count my life dear to me, but that I might finish my race with Joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace God.

That’s why I don’t miss my daily article, my daily instruction for life, my guide for the end time, and my tool for soul winning – THE RHAPSODY OF REALITIES.

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